Thor 36 Inch Gas Range is the most popular product than other 6 burners. This product have beenpopular since it has quite affordable prices but equipped with high quality. The price range from $2,500which is quite cheap rather than other product, and is available at all online stores like ebay, Amazon,and Walmart. Therefore, it is very easy to get this product. This product is often used for restaurant useas it has 6 burners which make cooking process faster. Equipped with 6 burners, the stove is alsoequipped with attached oven beneath the burner. Therefore, it is useful for multi cooking, like whatrestaurant needs.
Thor 36 Inch Gas Range have obtained CSA certification which means it is very safe to use and won’tcause any commotion in the kitchen. Besides used in the restaurant, this product also often used fordaily kitchen. You can also use this product, especially if you always needs to process you cooking in fast.There are many variant of sizes from 35 until 39 inches, which you can adjust to the size of your kitchen.You can baking cake or pie, boiling, and frying in the same time and in the same material. Therefore, it isvery useful. Even with 6 burner, the space between one to another is quite spacious which won’t causedamage between one pan to another when cooking.
Thor 36 Inch Gas Range with 6 burners will save your time and proceed quick cooking in the same area.Thor Kitchen brand have been widely known for its popularity and safe using. Therefore, it is also one ofthe popular Thor brand which have been used for most kitchen owner. The product is also easy to cleaneven with oil stained all over the surfaces. With all those advantages there is no need to doubt topurchase this product.