The Arrangement Tips for Living Room Furniture Ideas

Living room is the most used room in the house and the way of living room furniture ideas are applied would express the personal taste.

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Though you could arrange the furnishing the way you wanted, still there are the basic rules for arranging furnishing in the living room so you could avoid the mistake.

Measure the room first. Before you had living room furniture ideas inside your head, you should measure the size of the room. Take your tape measure out and measure the room’s width and height. Don’t forget to measure the width and height of the hallway, stairs and doors lead to living room. It helps you when you are designing the theme and when you are buying the furnishing. You could eliminate the furnishing that could not fit in measure.

Consider the sizes of furnishing and accessories. Every furnishing and accessories has dimensional measure size. To decide the potential sizes of furnishing and accessories, use the size of the room as a scale.

Decide the impression you want to make. If you want to make serene impression, use symmetry balance in living room furniture ideas. If you want to make lively impression, use asymmetry balance. To create asymmetry balance you could mix the various sizes of furnishing and accessories. Symmetry balance created by using similar size of furnishing.

Keep furnishing out from entryway and give 3-foot space between the furnishing. You do not want bumping the furnishing when you are entering the room. 3-foot space between furnishing is enough space for walking around the room and also enough space for opening the furniture’s doors or drawers properly without knocking the other furniture.

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Consider the rug. If the floor is covered by the rug or carpet, put the seating sets completely on or completely off of the rug. If the legs of seating sets are situated half on the rug, half off the rug, the risk of falling seats would increase. Keep the edges of the rug out of walking area so people could not trip the rug.

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Situated the table lamps where they saved from getting knocked over and the shade of light is not blinding the eyes. Do not forget to put the electrical cord away from walking area to avoid people trip over the cord.

Put the furnishing a little bit away from walls. This will give living room furniture ideas of cozy and inviting.

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