extra long shower curtain

Best Choice of Extra Long Shower Curtain

According to people reviews, best extra long shower curtain is the plain curtain like in white color. Theordinary color is chosen because it resemble the cleanliness of the bathroom, and if there are any stainson it, it can easily discovered and subsequently to clean. The white color is also resemble the naturalcolor. However, there are also some people who prefer to choose darker curtain color, like grey or navy,in order to blind the shades when showering. You can install any shower curtain based on yourpreferences, and still there are many shower curtains which is sold in pattern, for those who loved moredetails on their bathroom.

extra long shower curtain

The extra long shower curtain is often chosen because it would look good for wide bathroom. The usage ofthis kind of curtain might not be suitable for the small bathroom, because it can make the smallbathroom looks narrower. In addition, it can also limit your access to the bathroom and might trip yourway when you need to reach to out of curtain part. Therefore the mid-size curtain with white color ispreferred for the small sized bathroom to make it doesn’t dominate the bathroom area.

However, the use of extra long shower curtain can still fit to the small size bathroom, as long it doesn’tdominate the bathroom. By all means, it should use the curtain with plain color like white. Anotherreason why white curtain is often used because it’s can cover the small bathroom space and make itlooks wider. On the contrary, the curtain which is filled with pattern can make the space looks narrowerthan its original size. In fact, the cons of having extra-long curtain is that it might easily exposed withwater. Therefore, you should choose material which can durable and doesn’t easily moist.

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